The costs of removing nitrates from drinking water in the Upper Mississippi River Basin were the subject of a Capitol Hill briefing hosted by the Northeast-Midwest Institute on December 6, 2017. Hosted in collaboration with Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN), the briefing featured a panel of five science and policy specialists who presented on the importance of conservation initiatives and water quality monitoring to preserve the health of the Mississippi River Basin.
Jeff Boeckler, Co-Founder of Northwater Consulting International, offered his perspective as a private sector consultant by highlighting examples of costly removal of nitrates from drinking water and the impact of federal cut-backs to relevant programs. He emphasized that the nutrient problem will not go away on its own, and that although progress is being made, continued support of conservation programs and water monitoring is necessary to maintain momentum.
Briefing Held on Nitrates and Water Treatment Costs in the Mississippi River Basin
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