Otter Lake Water Source Protection – Program Implementation & Construction

Project Description


The Otter Lake Source Water Protection program is concurrently focused on improving the health of the lake to reduce water treatment costs and enhance the lake’s recreational value. It has resulted in measurable improvements to water quality and the elimination of some regulatory impairments.

Planning and assessment projects led by Northwater have culminated in the construction and implementation of in-lake and watershed treatments.  State and federal funding, primarily through the Illinois EPA Section 319 program, has been leveraged to install practices such as shoreline stabilization, sediment basins and ponds, filter strips, grade control structures, and wetlands.

The construction program has encompassed over 200 individual water treatment practices, including thousands of feet of shoreline protection and 175 acres of invasive species removal and timber stand improvement and 400 acres of prairie restoration.  To date, these projects have resulting in significant load reductions in sediment (>8,000 tons/yr), nitrogen (>25,000 lbs/yr) and phosphorus (>10,000 lbs/yr).

Northwater Consulting has served as the program manager and has provided a complete package of survey, engineering, design, and construction inspection services to support this initiative.  Work continues and new phase of construction and monitoring is currently in progress.

Read about the other efforts that identified projects and led to implementation….

Otter Lake Source Water Protection

Otter Lake In-lake Sediment Control Basin Dredging Evaluation

Otter Lake Shoreline Erosion Assessment & Mapping

We have been working with Northwater Consulting on lake and public water supply improvement projects for almost ten years. Their assistance in obtaining and administering federal grant funds and providing project management and technical expertise for Best Management Practice Implementation has been extraordinary. Northwater also conducted high level GIS analysis for lake erosion assessments and additional mapping supporting many of our projects. Not only has Northwater delivered products on-time and with exceptional quality and value, their problem solving skills have kept our projects on time and within budget.

- Dennis Ross, Manager, Otter Lake Water Commission

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